Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Anarcho-Communism and it's failures

A short while ago, I used to be an anarchist communist. This meant I believed in mutual aid and stuff being distributed based on need. This belief clouded my judgement for years until I found syndicalism and economics as a whole. This blog will hopefully cast down Anarcho communism for the complete and utter failure that it is.

Take what you need

The basis for anarcho-communism is to take what you need from the communal warehouse, but remember only take what you actually need. well this would work as well as my going to the grocery store and only getting that Loaf of bread I went there to get in the first place. In other words nobody just takes what they need, but instead would take what they want because they thought they "needed" it. This is simply human nature. If you only needed a roll of toilet paper, but saw a dozen rolls and you could tehcnically take this, what are you going to do? You're going to take the entire 12 pack. To suggest that we can have open communal warehouses where people jsut take whatever they need and have it work is simply ludicrous to say the least.

Voluntary work

This is another stupid part of Anarcho Communism, the theory that people would "voluntarily" work for the benefit of society and themselves. Oh yes, can't you see it's capitalism that inhibits us to be our true cooperative selves. I mean one day you have capitalism and with it's abolition the very next day you would all simply go to work for free for societies benefit. It works like magic. actually it works like utter shit. The reality is that maybe 5% of the population would work for free while the other 95% would sit there and reap the rewards. People need an incentive to work. People aren't going to give up all they learned just witht he abolition of capitalism, but will instead progress towards solidarity. It would be downright genocidal to go straight to voluntary work from capitalism as nobody would work and people would literally starve to death while our councils sat there and didn't know what to do. To suggest otherwise is to ignore human nature.


The simple fact is that if we are to ever get to a stage like this, we would need to first go through syndicalism and then build up solidarity among the masses. Even then, it is of my opinion that this would never work even if solidarity is recognized by the people. Anarcho-communism simply doesn't work economically either. You would have large shortages and stuff people need and you would be forced to go towards syndicalism either way. anarcho communists must be more realistic and work witht eh syndicalists as that's the only viable alternative to capitalism. Work should be a right and duty for all as Abraham Guillen once said. Towards syndicalism and away with anarchist communism!

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